Managing the PCC Website requires the help of many content contributors. 很多时候, there will be multiple contributors responsible for updating the content for a set 的页面. In order to prevent multiple contributors from working on the content at the same time and overriding each other’s changes, we have the “退房/入住”系统.


In order to edit anything on the website, you must check out the page. 一旦你 签出 a page, no other users can enter the page and make changes until the file 已经登记好了吗.



Once you are finished making updates to a page, you will check the file in. 通过做 so, you allow anyone else with access to those pages to check it out and make work 在文件中.



The 签出/in icon is represented by a light bulb and reflects the state of an Omni CMS页面或文件. 


An unlit light bulb indicates that the page is checked in and can be 签出 for editing by any user with the proper permissions.


A lit light bulb indicates that the page is 签出 to you (the individual currently 登录Omni CMS).


A red lock indicates that the page is 签出 to another user. 你可以悬停在 the lock to see who has 签出 the page.


In order to edit a page or file, you must check it out. 你可以退房再结账 以下列方式在页面中:


  1. Enter the Page Edit View for the page you wish to edit
  2. 点击 灯泡图标 在页面操作工具栏中
  3. The light bulb will turn yellow and the page will now be 签出 to you.


  1. 登录Omni CMS
  2. Hover over Content from the primary navigation and click on Pages.
  3. Navigate through the Folder Structure to find the file you wish to edit
  4. Located to the right of 文件名, under the “Status” column, you will see the 灯泡图标.
  5. 单击 灯泡图标 检查切割文件. The light bulb will turn yellow and the page will now be checked 给你.


  1. 登录Omni CMS
  2. Locate the File Navigation Sidebar on the left of the screen. 如果侧边栏被折叠, you will instead see a yellow file folder icon. 点击 icon to expand the sidebar.
  3. Navigate through the Folder Structure to find the file you wish to edit
  4. Located to the right of 文件名, under the “Status” column, you will see the 灯泡图标.
  5. 单击 灯泡图标 查看文件. The light bulb will turn yellow and the page will now be checked 给你.

*When checking out content, if a file is 签出 by another user, you will not 看到一个灯泡图标. 相反,你会看到一个 红色挂锁图标 and will not be able to check out the content.


Once you are done editing a page, you must check it 早在. This is very important to do so the page can be made available to other users.

You can check in a page in the following ways:


When a page is submitted for an approval, the page will automatically be 签出 给审批人. The Pending Approval status will show in both the user and approver's 工作流不需要其他操作.

点击 lit (yellow) light bulb

If you have a page 签出 to you, the 灯泡图标 将被点亮(黄色). You can check the content 早在 by clicking on the lit light 灯泡图标. Doing so will dim the 灯泡图标 (black outline) and check the page 早在.

You can find the 灯泡图标 in the following places:

  1. When in Edit View for a page you are working on. The icon is located in the Page Actions 工具栏.
  2. In the Page List Area you can see the lit 灯泡图标 to the right of the file 名字.
  3. 在文件导航侧边栏中. You can see the lit 灯泡图标 to the left of 文件名.

Dashboard: My Checked Out Content

  1. From your Omni CMS Dashboard, you will see an area called “My Checked Out Content”. This will list any files that you currently have 签出.
  2. To 检查 the file, click the lit 灯泡图标 to the left of 文件名.
  3. Once you check in the file, 文件名 will disappear from the list.
  4. If you do not have any files currently 签出, the list will be 空.


  1. Find your Gadgets sidebar on the right of Omni CMS.
  2. If the Gadgets icon is collapsed, click the “Show Gadgets” icon (a plug) to expand 菜单.
  3. Find the “My Checked Out Content” gadget from the list. 单击插入符号图标展开 这个小工具.
  4. This gadget will show you a list of all files you currently have Checked Out.
  5. To 检查 the file, click the lit 灯泡图标 to the left of 文件名
  6. Once you check in the file, 文件名 will disappear from the list.
  7. If you do not have any files currently 签出, the list in 这个小工具 will be 空.

What to do if a File is Checked out by Someone Else

If the page you are trying to edit is 签出 by another user, you will not be able to edit the page until they check it in. This is to prevent users from editing pages at the same time and overriding each other’s changes.

  • When you go to a page that is 签出, you will see a 红色挂锁图标 and will not be able to check out the content.
  • Hover your mouse over the red padlock to see the 名字 of the user that has the content 签出.
  • 使用 Omni CMS收件箱, send the user a message to ask them to check in the page if they are completed with 他们的编辑.
